Fiserv Case Study

Problem Statement

Determine if Bitcoin owners want to see their Bitcoin holdings alongside their traditional currency savings in a conjoined banking experience, and if so, determine in what form and to what extent.

At a Glance

In recent years, major corporations, online merchants, and even countries have begun to allow people to pay for their goods and services using established cryptocurrencies. The increase in cryptocurrency use is important because it facilitates the accessibility of wealth to a larger population than ever before. To address this rise in cryptocurrency use, my team and I teamed up with Fiserv over the course of the semester to conduct user research to determine if and how people expect cryptocurrency to be integrated into their existing banking applications. The goal of the project was to assess how people expect to engage or interact with traditional currency and digital currency in a single digital banking experience and develop a solution that addresses our findings.

My Role
Lead UX Researcher
Fiserv Contact
Sheliza Jivani
Xiangyi Yang
Han Wang
14 Weeks
(Aug. - Dec., 2021)
Methods & Tools
Semi-structured interviews, online survey, secondary research, concept feedback sessions, heuristic evaluation, usability testing, Qualtrics, Miro, Figma, Microsoft Teams

Fiserv is a business-to-business technology company, providing financial institutions with banking and payment solutions. As cryptocurrencies begin to blur the lines with traditional currencies regarding purchasing capacity for everyday consumers, banks are beginning to consider the management of alternative forms of currency for their customers.

Cryptocurrency image: Shows the Bitcoin symbol surrounded by computer buses

Target Users: Current and Prospective Bitcoin Owners

While there are a variety of cryptocurrencies on the market, we are focusing on Bitcoin specifically, as it is the oldest, most well-known, and most established cryptocurrency with the highest market cap, meaning that it is the most dominant cryptocurrency on the market.

User Needs Research
Survey graphic: Shows a clipboard with a page that has checks and boxes.

Online Survey

Method Justification
Method Details
Interview graphic: Shows two overlapping dialogue boxes

Semi-Structured Interview

Method Justification
Method Details
Screenshot of the affinity diagram created in Miro to analyze our interview data.

Findings & Insights

"Losing access to a wallet and never recovering it is also a huge concern. People have lost a lot of money since they no longer remember their wallet details or a company shuts down..."

-Participant 3
1. People worry about the security of the platforms that they use mainly because they are afraid of losing their cryptocurrencies.
2. A large portion of users (45%) indicated that they would move their cryptocurrency to a bank that has secure storage.
3. Most people have not used Bitcoin as a payment method in the past but would consider using it in the future.
4. The knowledge levels of cryptocurrency holders vary, but most enjoy constantly learning more about the cryptocurrency space as it evolves.
5. Users heavily consider rewards and incentives to be an important aspect of the cryptocurrency management platform in which they use.
6. People typically hold multiple cryptocurrencies alongside their Bitcoin.
Personas and Empathy maps

Utilizing the data gathered from our user needs research, we created two personas and two empathy maps that were used to inform our subsequent research and designs.

Persona 1: Zayden Rodriguez

Persona for user 1Empathy map for user 1

Persona 2: Aria Malaali

Persona for user 2Empathy map for user 2
Wireframe feedback
Usability graphic: Shows a finger pressing on a mobile screen

Wireframe Moderated Usability Testing

Method Justification
Method Details
Findings & Implications
Finding: For many of the tasks, the navigation sidebar was the first location that users sought out certain elements. Implication: Therefore, we decided to add additional functionality to this navigation bar so that users could more easily find elements within the app.
Finding: Users commented that the notifications page felt overwhelming, especially when all of the menus were opened up. Implication: The notification page was simplified into a step-by-step process to address user’s confusion.
Finding: Users were puzzled as to why they would be given the option to earn rewards in cash instead of Bitcoin when spending money with their debit cards.
High Fidelity Design Evaluation
Feedback graphic. Shows a phone with a quote bubble popping up from the screen

Expert Heuristic Evaluation

Method Justification
Method Details
Usability graphic: Shows a finger pressing on a mobile screen

High-Fidelity Moderated Usability Testing

Method Justification
Method Details
Findings & Insights
Key Finding 1

Since the user is setting up a Bitcoin account within their bank, personally-identifying information should be automatically populated since this data is already held by the bank.

Gif showcasing the process of opening a Bitcoin account within the high fidelity prototype we created
Gif showcasing the process of linking an external account within the high fidelity prototype we created
Key Finding 2

When connecting an external account, the user felt as though more information needed to be provided as to what they could do with an external account. There was no prominent indication that the connected account would solely be for viewing information only, so users were confused when they weren’t able to complete simple functions within their external account.

Key Finding 3

Within the alerts page, the wording associated with the ‘Portfolio return alert’ was confusing to many users and users suggested adjusting the name to something like ‘Portfolio Value Alerts’.

Gif showcasing the process of setting up an alert within the high fidelity prototype we created
Key Takeaways

The challenges presented throughout this project helped me grow a great deal as a researcher. Here are some key lessons that I learned:

Check Out My Other Projects:

Greenshift Case study. Goal: Assist industrial design students in choosing more sustainable materials within their projects
Veritone Internship. Goal: Facilitate the transcription of court cases in navy courtrooms
MyUCLA Case Study. Goal: Improve the discoverability of student resources for UCLA undergrad and grad students
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